How Technical People Play Politics (With 2 Courses to Push up Your Brand)

Technical people politics

“My manager does not know anything technical. It is pathetic to work for him!” “There is nothing technical and only management politics!” Last week I again saw on linkedin discussions. It is not the first time. Of late, lot of people complain about it. Before you go ballistic about the level of technical abilities of … Read moreHow Technical People Play Politics (With 2 Courses to Push up Your Brand)

No Collaboration at Workplace? First, Fix the Victory Stand!

Everyone knows, most of the business results are from the team effort. Yet, the businesses try hard to assign the credit to one hero. To justify it there are enough management theories – like Bell curve, 80-20 rule. The outcome? It just causes more fights, conflicts and stress. Many managers just shrug it off saying … Read moreNo Collaboration at Workplace? First, Fix the Victory Stand!

Corporate Social Responsibility: 4 Definite Things You Can Do

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Corporate Social Responsibility

As I mentioned in earlier posts, the causes we believe may or may not really be the best things to do. It is just a hope that it is in right thing to do. It may have negative side effects. The society is driven in all directions by people who think that they are dragging … Read moreCorporate Social Responsibility: 4 Definite Things You Can Do

Team Conflicts: How to Clear Mental Blocks, Stop Fights and Bring Back Good Times? Host a Listening Session

Imagine this. You have a critical project. The people with right expertise have been brought together.The project is in critical stage. All stakeholders know the members who are dedicated, hard working and have acquired very good skills. Suddenly you realize that there is great problem of misalignment, suspicion and fights. The fights erupt, become more … Read moreTeam Conflicts: How to Clear Mental Blocks, Stop Fights and Bring Back Good Times? Host a Listening Session