Solve Tech Industry Agism Problem: Government Lateral Entry 2.0

Tech Industry in Crisis in 2024 In 2024 there is lot of talk about lay offs and job losses. While there are too many factors involved, this cycle also shall pass. In the middle of all of these, silent death of careers at mid-senior levels deserves some attention. Few people have written and spoke about … Read moreSolve Tech Industry Agism Problem: Government Lateral Entry 2.0

Dear Fresh Graduates, No More Excuses.

Credit: Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

Recent months had been hectic. I had been on a hiring spree for another startup which I cofounded. The focus areas of were multi-core high-end processors, BIOS and advanced device drivers. Obviously, there is a skill shortage. Like many other companies, we also hire fresh graduates and train for specific technologies. We cover huge ground … Read moreDear Fresh Graduates, No More Excuses.

Only Management Advice You Ever Need

Best employee, career advice, middle management

This was a viral cartoon in LinkedIn last year. It is self explanatory. Isn’t it? The only problem is that when you have employees, they look like this. There is diversity, yet they are similar. There are sides of people which you do not know about. If you know who is the best employee, it … Read moreOnly Management Advice You Ever Need

English Bullying : Before Anything, Learn Better English?

Improve English

I recently got the following comment for one of my articles in – This was not the first time. I keep seeing many arguments online.  Arguments on variety of subjects start with the substance. Later they end with ‘Good English’ suggestion. Some are worse – No discussion on content. No new learning or viewpoints … Read moreEnglish Bullying : Before Anything, Learn Better English?

Tech Outsourcing: Few Considerations Before You Proceed

One Engineering VP from North America wanted to outsource lot of work to India. And why not? He heard enough success stories. He had urgent need. He gave some details about the need and asked for proposal. Within few weeks, he got impressive proposal which explained the problem understanding, solution approach, execution phases and of … Read moreTech Outsourcing: Few Considerations Before You Proceed