
How to Master Your Technical Screening Call

We have all been in that situation where we are going on about our day and suddenly our phone rings and it’s a recruiter from the other end. Sometimes it is difficult to handle this situation. It might be your first interaction with the recruiter.

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Ownership at Work: Hidden Issues

Can you recognize ownership problem at work? Not coming to work, not spending enough time on assigned tasks. Careless people are easy to spot. Right? Not necessarily! Some of my team members seems to work hard. But to get results, I have to continuously chase

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Credit: Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

Dear Fresh Graduates, No More Excuses.

Recent months had been hectic. I had been on a hiring spree for another startup which I cofounded. The focus areas of were multi-core high-end processors, BIOS and advanced device drivers. Obviously, there is a skill shortage. Like many other companies, we also hire fresh

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Best employee, career advice, middle management

Only Management Advice You Ever Need

This was a viral cartoon in LinkedIn last year. It is self explanatory. Isn’t it? The only problem is that when you have employees, they look like this. There is diversity, yet they are similar. There are sides of people which you do not know

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