Only Management Advice You Ever Need

Best employee, career advice, middle management

This was a viral cartoon in LinkedIn last year. It is self explanatory. Isn’t it? The only problem is that when you have employees, they look like this. There is diversity, yet they are similar. There are sides of people which you do not know about. If you know who is the best employee, it … Read moreOnly Management Advice You Ever Need

You MUST Mandate this Management Training to New Members on Day-1. Interns Included.

The Issue Recent incident – In the community I live in, we had meeting to discuss crucial issues. Within no time, the meeting turns into name calling and swearing session. And this is not the first time. All are so-called educated. Almost all work for most reputed global corporations. They all have international working experience. … Read moreYou MUST Mandate this Management Training to New Members on Day-1. Interns Included.