Five Things to Consider in Improving Employee Retention

Employee retention

Published in arrangement with Hoganinjury, a law firm based out of California, USA. For any assistance needed on legal side, reach out to HoganInjury. The contact is listed at the end of the article. One of the biggest challenges any organization faces is keeping their employees, more so the good and deserving ones. When an employee … Read moreFive Things to Consider in Improving Employee Retention

Workplace Politics: Why You Won’t Get Credit for Your Work (Most Likely Reason)

work place politics getting credit

There were times when I worked very hard and delivered. Hardly got credit.  I was very stressed.   Joe is really average Joe. He is brought up as a good man. He has been to taught to do the right things, follow ethics. Most importantly, walk the talk. It was an important meeting scheduled by the … Read moreWorkplace Politics: Why You Won’t Get Credit for Your Work (Most Likely Reason)

Ask Rahul Gandhi: How a Good Idea Can Be Screwed by Dumb Communication (2 Lessons included)

Rahul Gandhi again talks about his vision. “When I see MRI machines not connected, I see huge problem. Connecting all of those MRI machines will completely transform the planet” This becomes a butt of a joke. And this is not the first time. While one may not respect Rahul Gandhi much for original thoughts, I … Read moreAsk Rahul Gandhi: How a Good Idea Can Be Screwed by Dumb Communication (2 Lessons included)

What Business Are You Really In? As Applied to Employees.

Peter Drucker. Everyone knows about the management legend who transformed American businesses. One of the most important question from Drucker was – what business are we really in? The most famous example is that of McDonalds. He suggested that McDonalds’ primary business is NOT food. It is real estate. The explanation is that they open … Read moreWhat Business Are You Really In? As Applied to Employees.

No Collaboration at Workplace? First, Fix the Victory Stand!

Everyone knows, most of the business results are from the team effort. Yet, the businesses try hard to assign the credit to one hero. To justify it there are enough management theories – like Bell curve, 80-20 rule. The outcome? It just causes more fights, conflicts and stress. Many managers just shrug it off saying … Read moreNo Collaboration at Workplace? First, Fix the Victory Stand!

Why You Should Work Hard During Notice Period

People moving across jobs is usual. It is increasing due to the shift in social behavior, attitude of both organizations and employees. For whatever reason, one might want to move on. Flickr/ Pavlina Jane What follows the resignation is notice period. Some countries have long notice period. Like India. 3 months is many companies. Here I want … Read moreWhy You Should Work Hard During Notice Period